Thursday, July 10, 2014

Obsessed with Cloth Diapers

"CLOTH DIAPERS" this word was first heard by me through a club Yummy Mummies, of which I am a part from my preggy days. Contemporary mommies started buying all the baby stuff from their 8th month it self. But I was not allowed by my mom, as we in South India say we shouldn't buy any new things for the baby until he/she is born.

Diapering is an essential part in raising the kids healthy. Firstly I was against using disposables to my lo. But I also knew using cloths was a very tiring job one can handle. I had to think wise and act smart to keep my daughter healthy and at the same time make my job easier. Andd I knew Cloth Diaper was the solution.

I did alot of research and was very confused to start it. My husband wanted me to think if I really want to use it and will be actually using it as he knows me as a lazy lady. I too wanted to make sure if I will really use it or end up switching to disposables after investing dollars on CDs.

Reasons to Cloth Diaper:

1. Safety:
 Disposable diapers have many toxic chemicals like Dioxin, Tributyl Tin, Sodium polyacrlate etc which can cause hormonal imbalances, skin allergies, cancer etc. These cloth diapers do not have such chemicals.

2. Economy:
You invest around 25,000 INR for nearly 25 - 30 diapers and you can use it till the baby is potty trained, which is far less than the ones you invest on disposables.

3. Environment:
Cleaner planet, as the disposable diapers take 500 years to decompose.

4.Easy to use:
It is easy to clean up when compared to the typical old cloth diapers.

5. Cute Factor:
These cloth diapers come with adorable prints and are very cute.

I started off with buying 4 CDs which costed around 4000 INR. Now I understand modern cloth diapers are very easy to handle almost as easy as maintaining any other garment of your little one's laundry. Now I am completely obsessed with cloth diapers and I'm lovin it!!!!!!!

My Cloth Diaper Stash:

I have been using cloth diapers for 3 months and I find it really very easy. Here is a set of my stash.

some of my cloth diaper covers

These are All in one size pockets i.e. they can be used until baby is fully potty trained. There are various snaps on the pockets and can be adjusted according to baby's weight. 
Cloth diaper cover without insert

Cloth diaper cover with microfiber insert
Diaper showing various snaps that can be adjusted 

Diaper inserts and some flats:
Inserts for cloth diapers
These are the inserts that are inserted into to covers.

inserts made of microfiber

these are the flats made of muslin cloth that can be folded and inserted

How to Clean and Wash Cloth Diapers:

Change the diapers as soon as you notice they are soiled or wet.
Place it in pail them in a bag or bin for washing.
Allow baby's bottom to air dry and give some diaper free time.
Use the water sprayer and remove the contents of the soiled diaper in the commode.
Soak the CDs in cold water for half an hour and machine wash it later in baby mode(LG front door washing machine has this option).
Dry it in sunlight. It does magic.

I use the same detergent which I use for other baby's laundry.

Organic detergent which is baby safe

Here is the CD fitted on my lo.

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